Sunday, November 15, 2009

Infant Hole In Heart More Condition_symptoms This Is A Heart Question About Blood Donating?

This is a heart question about blood donating? - infant hole in heart more condition_symptoms

If you have a VSD can donate blood or

Ive had a VSD and my heart to life murmmur

but I never donated blood
I do not know if I could, I never really asked or

so do u think I can?
Here are some facts about what are AVSD

Normally, only the left heart pumps blood through the body and the heart pumps blood only to the lungs. In a child with VSD blood can through the hole in the left pumping chamber (left ventricle flows) to right (right ventricle pump) and pulmonary arteries. If the VSD is large enough to be pumped the excess blood in the pulmonary arteries makes the heart and lungs work harder and lungs may be congested.
If the opening is large, the child may breathe faster and harder than normal. Children may have problems feeding and growing at a normal pace. Symptoms can occur until several weeks after birth. High blood pressure can occur, the blood vessels in the lungs, more blood than normal because it is drawn. Over time this can lead to consequencesDamage to blood vessels of the lungs.

When I was born my hole was the size of the quarter
this is very big for a baby
I have the surgery, but the hole is still there

when I was little, I described how DR
good blood is mixed with contaminated blood

So basically, I can not give?

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